This morning, I woke up from a dream just after 4 AM. It was one of those rare dreams that you know the meaning of right away.
It is now 5:47 AM. I have journaled about my dream, been outside to feed the farm animals, showered, made coffee, and now sitting here, writing this, because maybe someone else is meant to read it today.
In my dream, I was supposed to play Betty in a White Christmas stage performance, but I quickly realize that I have not actually learned my lines, and the play is going to start within the hour; I was dressed and appeared to be ready to perform as Betty, but I was not ready. I frantically grab my script and find a friend who is an experienced theatre performer and director. I kneel beside him with my script, but as he opens it, all of the familiar scenery and lines of White Christmas are gone. In its stead are pages of dark, seemingly vacant pictures of a set that looks nothing like the idyllic winter wonderland we all know and love.
As the dream continues, my friend seems to feel bad for me, but also not concerned with my dilemma. He fades away into his own tasks that need done. I stand up and realize I have to go to the bathroom. I run into the bathroom and quickly have an accident all over the white skirt I am wearing; I ruined the purity/peace/plan(?). There are also no doors on the bathroom stalls. I was vulnerable and exposed without any apparent “way out”. Everyone could see my accident, and everyone was going to know I was not ready to play my part.
A bit more happened in the dream, but is not relevant to the point I am making here. As I journaled about my dream, I knew it had to do with kingdom assignments and waiting on God’s “stage call”. I have learned more and more the importance of reading and learning scripture on my walk with Him. His Word is our script, and while we may think we are ready for our role in His kingdom through worship music, prayer, and attending church, it is His Word that gives us truth, confidence, and hope in our callings. If we do not have a solid understanding of His living Word, His truth, then we may not only fail ourselves, but those who cross our paths; we may ruin the purity of His perfect plans.
I have a ministry on my heart, I have for almost two years, but it is not quite the right time, and that is okay.
If we are truly walking with the Lord in bold faith, He will tell us the right time to act. Sometimes waiting is an act of boldness, especially in this fast pace world. We do not always know best, but God does, and confirmation of that thought came to me after my shower - while looking in the mirror. Sometimes I notice that one side of my nose looks different than the other side. This morning I noticed my nose again and thought, “I don’t have the best nose, do I?” I started laughing to myself and then thought, “I don’t always nose best.”
